====== Mail Notifications ======
You can be notified when your job completes (or fails!) using the **--mail-type** and **--mail-user** options.
sbatch --mail-type=ALL --mail-user=chris@statgen.ncsu.edu wait.bash
**--mail-type** values are: BEGIN,END,FAIL,ALL,REQUEUE
You might want to use just END and FAIL:
sbatch --mail-type=END --mail-type=FAIL --mail-user=chris@statgen.ncsu.edu wait.bash
**Since December 2021 when Google/NCSU turned on stricter DMARC compliance, these e-mails will likely go to your spam folder (if you are sending to an @ncsu.edu address). Marking them as non-spam may help with future mails. Changes to the cluster mail configuration will fix this, hopefully soon.**