===== Linux Command Line Basics =====
There are a number of good resources on the web. Here's one of them:
==== Commands you should know ====
=== Changing Your Password ===
Note: this does not apply to users who log in with their Unity Id and password.
There is a 12-character minimum length requirement on the cluster.
=== Navigation ===
pwd - print working directory
ls - list files
cd - change directory
less - file pager
file - describes type of a file
=== File Manipulation ===
cp - copy
mv - move (rename)
rm - remove (delete)
mkdir - make directory
rmdir - remove directory
=== Editing Text ===
Choose an editor:
=== Basic Script ===
Make a script file "executable":
chmod u+x scriptname
=== Getting More Information ===
man ls
=== IO Redirection ===
Save output from a command to file.
ls > file.txt
=== Terminal Multiplexing ===
This lets you run multiple terminals that are immune to "hang-ups" (network errors) and can remain active even after you log out. You "detach" from the terminal and then re-attach after logging back in.
Other terminal multiplexers (byobu, tmux) are also installed on the cluster.
=== Finding Files ===
Find a file by name:
find . -name lost_file.txt
**find** is a very flexible (and quite complicated) tool for finding files and applying commands to the results. It's well worth learning more about this command.
=== Disk Space Use ===
Calculate the total size of a directory:
du -sh dirname